EDGE Project
2 min readOct 13, 2022


Liliana Buzila, owner of the Casa Randunicii guesthouse © MCTA, 2022

USAID supports rural entrepreneurs in Moldova in upgrading infrastructure, expanding accommodation options, and enriching tourism offerings with gastronomic and cultural experiences.

Tourism — a force for positive change in communities with economic, social, and cultural dimensions

USAID supported the expansion of seven accommodation facilities in Trebujeni village, which now has capacity to accommodate a larger number of visitors for extended stays, positioning the village as the rural touristic hub in the heart of Moldova’s cultural and natural reserve Orheiul Vechi. One of the attractions of this picturesque region is the newly launched guesthouse “Casa Randunicii.” The owner of “Casa Randunicii”, Liliana Buzila, was inspired to build a new guesthouse following the successful business development of her parents’ guesthouse “Casa Verde” located nearby. Given there was a growing demand for tourism services in the area, they needed to expand their capacities. The new guesthouse is a typical five-unit family business, built in line with local traditional design, with modern finishes for a comfortable stay.

The guesthouse construction started in 2019, with modest support from the USAID Moldova Competitiveness Project’s Hospitality+ program, which provided $5,000 for the architectural and design project of the house while the Buzila family invested $150,000 of their own money.

“I’ve always dreamed of building a stone house typical of the rocky landscape surroundings when I grew up, but with USAID encouragement and support this dream turned into a rural tourism idea,” says Liliana Buzila, the owner of “Casa Randunicii”.

Casa Randunicii guesthouse launched in Trebujeni village © MCTA, 2022

The USAID EDGE Buy-In Moldova Competitive Transition Activity (MCTA) provided the final assistance for the opening of the guesthouse. “Casa Randunicii” is one of the 20 MSMEs supported by the MCTA in-kind grants program for infrastructure development. “Casa Randunicii” was awarded a $13,000 in-kind grant for modern accommodation amenities and launching its facility operations at international accommodation standards. The grantee was provided furniture for the dining and kitchen areas, bedroom furniture and accessories, and lighting. MCTA helped the guesthouse to arrange its adjacent land with a gazebo for outdoor dining and masterclass activities, as well as a playground, making it family-friendly.



EDGE Project

Official Account of the USAID Economic Development, Governance and Enterprise Growth Project.